• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • What?!

    There is a major chance this contaminates the food. It is very likely that this thing is still dripping unless it was 100% perfectly wrung out, which I doubt, especially since the person using it was dumb enough to hold it above food. There’s also the mentioned particulate falling off, which is pretty much a given if you’re ever seen a McDonald’s floor. Not to mention who knows what that mop was used for- an overflowing toilet in the bathroom, garbage water from a leaky trash bag, dog poop dragged in from someone’s shoe.

    I have mopped floors of restaurants. They are disgusting. And they most certainly do not use > good> mops. Restaurants cut corners wherever possible.

  • I have a friend who bought one 6 years ago. He paid like $6k for the feature and recently traded in for a new one because he could keep the self driving license for free.

    He says it never really worked that week and is worse on the new vehicle because cheapskate switched from lidar to cameras to save money. Also, he has 3 of 5 “strikes” toward a ban, because your need to keep you have on the wheel and eyes on the road. That’s right, a creepy camera watches you. He says at least 2 are false positives.

    Not exactly “Full self driving,” and Tesla doesn’t exactly look like they’ve been working on it

    I have no idea why people still buy anything from Musk.

  • Biden has done much better than I would have guessed, especially considering how fucked everything was when he took office. He’s not a star candidate and I have plenty of criticism, but Biden has done infinitely better than the last 5 Republican presidents.

    That said, even if I thought Biden was amazing, he’s basically a walking ghoul at this point. The president (and supreme court justices) should be sharp, at the peak of their game, not in their last dwindling years. I’ll still vote Biden, because the alternative is one of the dumbest and biggest pieces of shit in American history. Maybe some day we’ll have better choices.