Mostly lurking. United States southerner, gay, working retail. An amazing combination

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • It’s been more of the same, but that’s not a bad thing. I’ve been remembering my food prep, hitting by gym goals, and even drawing a little bit. Just sketches of my own characters and some embarrassing nude studies, but sketching is the fun part anyway.

    I did get into an argument at the start of this week and in hindsight it was completely my fault. I notice that I’m a lot better at talking to people when I’m on adderall; I have an easier time listening, and I can think about what I want to say clearer. I only have it in my system for about four hours a day, though, so I’m gonna start being more careful outside that window. Never realized I had this problem until I suddenly started having better conversations with my coworkers.

    Getting a little restless as they just told me that I need 22 more weeks of refinement on my dental aligners. I get insurance through my work so I can’t quit until I’m finished with all my dental work, but I’m so ready to go to tech school!

  • Maybe I’m depressed, I don’t know. I feel so disconnected when everyone else has a wife and a beautiful family and a passion they’re chasing, and my only accomplishment ever was leaving my mom’s house.

    My new medication has been wonderful, I haven’t had any embarrassing meltdowns in a couple of weeks. I hoped my friends would be happy for me, but they all hit real milestones the same week, so it got swept aside pretty fast.

  • It’s been good, objectively, but for some reason I’m not feeling it.

    My medication has been amazing for getting me through the workday. For some reason my brain instantaneously converts boredom to anger, plus I tend to fixate uncontrollably on really negative things. I don’t think I’ve freaked out or embarrassed myself at all since starting the medication, though.

    I’ve hit all my gym goals this week, which I haven’t done in months, so that should be a good sign for my mental health, too.

    But I don’t know, I still feel like a sad, lonely person. My friends all have such great relationships with each other even when I have to walk on eggshells around them. I can’t make friends offline because I have nothing really interesting to bring to the table.

    Plus I’m dreading cutting my hair because everyone is so nice to me now that they think I’m femme. Actually I just had a lot on my plate and stopped cutting my hair and dressing up for a while.

  • Oh, thank you! Yeah for some reason re-taking the test never occurred to me. I guess I just thought, I don’t know, everything would fade to black and credits would start rolling.

    The trial dose they gave me improved my job dramatically, so I’m going to do everything I can to get a refill.