Playing the world’s smallest violin in lieu of the admin listing of my least favorite lemmy instance. I probably didn’t have anything to do with it, but lying smearing dipshits have a way of garnering hostility towards themselves. Party time!

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • I like the show, the only problem is that it reduces the universe for the purpose of its medium, and factions essentially become people. Otherwise, the show is what I would expect from a Fallout game, a slowly developing main quest where a lot of the experience is in the random encounters and side quests. I’m looking forward to the possibility of them talking about THE courier and their legend, and perhaps even bring out the lore of the random stranger. Worst criticism I have is that its removing a lot of the mystery surrounding Vault-Tec lore by serving it out on a silver platter, it was basically the one mystery that stretched out and was never fully revealed throughout the games, where you actually had to dig into to know more, now being served to any person who watched the show whether they want it or not. It’s sort of like my problem with Starfield, it brings you too close to all the major players in that universe way too quickly, making the world smaller and eliminating mystery, anticipation, and depth before it has had time to ripen.