#SaveInvidious #SaveNewPipe Privacy is a human right, thank you Edward Snowden. I post my opinions on subjects wether people agree or not, if you want to disscuss than do so respectfully and ill do the same. Check out my sublemmy 10_0s basement.

  • 21 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2021


  • Politics in !memes (even over non-political topics). Plenty of engagement in the comments. People want to argue like they’re on twitter. Friendly comment sections on non-political posts (if it stays that way). Insert something to do with communism/the west here. Cross-instance posting provides variety. Active mods prevent abuse of the rules. High quality memes. High quality posts. High quality comment sections. The app you use dictates how good your interaction with the website is. (I recommend Voyager, my daily driver.) Lemmy’s been better since the reddit exodus a few years ago. You could wait 2-3 days before new content hit your home page back in the day. Sub to communities you’re interested in so its easier when you come back.