• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Seriously, the field of artificial intelligence has been around since the beginning of computer science, since Alan Turing founded it after coming up with the modern computer. Frankly, if you ask me, anyone complaining about LLMs being referred to as AI has been watching too many movies. AI != Human-but-metal and it never has. Going by the Wikipedia article, to be considered AI, a machine just has to perceive it’s environment and learn - degree notwithstanding.

    Of course this definition is pretty vague, so in practice AI tends to refer to the cutting edge of flexible computer algorithms. Many now-mundane algorithms much simpler than today’s LLMs (like A* and genetic algorithms) were once considered AI for their flexible logic. At some point the Internet decided that it doesn’t count unless it’s literally Jarvis, but that’s a very stingy definition of a very broad field.

  • I do this sort of thing at busy stop-signed intersections. See, many people in my area have a tendency to be nice and wave you through, even when they have the right of way - it’s infuriating! They’re just slowing us both down by not being assertive and predictable. So I’ve taken up the habit of adjusting my speed approaching the intersection to avoid stopping at the same time as someone else. Usually that means slowing down a little bit early, then just creeping for a couple seconds but not quite coming to a stop until I see them start to accelerate away. Less often I’ll do the opposite though, if it looks like I’ll get to the intersection slightly sooner than another person, or I know that I should have the right of way, I’ll be more aggressive and try to stop and accelerate away (safely) before they would even need to wait on me.