Been thinking about getting a steam deck. Talk me in or out of it. I’ve got a desktop, but thinking something handheld would be good when I want to sit on the couch. What are your favorite and least favorite things about your steam deck?

    1 year ago

    A big positive is that it is the reason I’m dipping into genres I don’t normally touch. I’m playing Chained Echoes right now, which is a modern-day 16-bit RPG. I normally don’t bother with those, because if I’m at my PC with a 3080TI in it, I’m not playing a 16-bit game, and my PS5 is already building a bit of a backlog with so many good games coming, so I don’t play smaller games when I’m on my big plush couch, I want to play stuff that takes advantage of the hardware and tends to be more cinematic. On Deck, I’m playing these smaller games while laying in bed next to my wife while we have the TV on. It’s also nice to take to hotels when I travel for work, which I used to take my PS5 for. The hotel TVs always suck and you can’t adjust any settings so it’s nice to not be lugging the PS5 around any more.
    The only drawback is the weight; my wrists start to get tired after 45 minutes or so, so I need to sit up or adjust my position to keep playing comfortably.