• Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Well yeah because all those Palestinians hear is israel saying " WE ARE JEWS AND ACCORDING TO OUR JEWISH FAITH WE WE NEED TO KILL ALL OF YOU AND TAKE YOUR Land" And then the entire west says in unison that israel is a Jewish country for Jews.

    You cannot even begin to blame the Palestinians for their ignorance as their access to internet and other resources is severely limited.

    You have literal Jews protesting “not in our name” against israel and governments arrest them for anti semitism.

    When it came to ISIS and Al Qaeda many people in the west also just started blindly hating on all Muslims because some extremists ran away with the name. Imagine how it would have been if the media said “All criticism of ISIS is banned because it’s Islamophobia”

    • PotatoKat@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I really don’t think you’re arguing with who you think you are. I said a few times I don’t blame Palestinians for how they feel. I literally am Palestinian (not born there, my grandma was one of the people who fled in the 40s)