• deweydecibel@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Humanity’s capacity to be kind to one another in small groups is great…but that’s not how the world works most of the time.

    Like, sure, it’s great that a bunch of humans can get together and be kind…but my right to get married to my boyfriend, and my sister’s reproductive rights, aren’t helped by this fact. I don’t really care how kind you are in private or close knit groups, if you’re going to the polls and voting for horrible people that do horrible things when there’s another choice that is objectively less harmful, I’m sorry, that invalidates everything. You can feed 200 people but with one vote you can help rip the rights away from millions and condemn them to suffer or die in poverty. The latter is more revealing of your nature.

    • lightnsfw
      8 months ago

      Humanity is kind as long as everyone has what they need. Our society has stripped security away and turned everything into a competition for resources. There’s little room for kindness when you’re on the verge of starvation yourself

    • tetris11@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      I genuinely believe people should live in small clades of about ~1000 people. They could be any kind of clade; democratic, technocratic, fascist, egalitarian, monarchy, dictatorship, etc. But essentially everyone has the right to leave their clade and live in whichever one accepts them.

      Why do I think that fascists and dictators should have their own clades? Well, because, as our own world shows – there is a significant proportion of our population that loves being told what to think, and who to hate. There might even be some benefits even (e.g. a culturally homogenous populace is more likely to unionize than a diverse one). If they want to vote in a despot, let them! As long as that despot can’t control more than the ~1000 people in that clade.

    • KnowledgeableNip@leminal.space
      8 months ago

      The latter is more a push by people with more resources than they know what to do with trying to hang onto those resources by inventing new problems for us to fight about.

      We could accomplish so much more as a species of our goals were set on future generations and sustainability, but instead some 89 year old multi-billionaire needs another yacht to haul around his shriveled husk.