• Stamets@startrek.websiteOP
    9 months ago

    No, it sounds bullshit to you. You have no guarantee that this is bullshit. You have nothing to fall back on. You were not there. Moreover, weirder things continue to happen every single day in reality. I have an issue with someone who has no connection to the story just dismissing it outright and acting like everyone should believe them and their opinion despite it having zero supporting evidence. Not to mention you’re doing it in the funny community. Funny does not require truth, as mentioned above. So like I said, unless you’re actively calling comedians a liar then your own point doesn’t stand up to this. Comedians routinely tell bullshit and it’s a social contract to not interrupt and not crash it. Same contract applies to funny anecdotes in a comedy community.

    You’re not calling out bullshit. You’re crashing a party.

    • Smoogs@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Nor do You have any facts that what they said that made the story was believable. A complete internet stranger posts “She was like”… it already smells like bullshit to anyone with half a brain. Yet That’s all it took for you to take a deep dive on a story vilifying a complete stranger and defending it as ‘funny’. This says more about you adopting a shit personality than any story let alone humour in general.

      Also what fuckin party are you talking about? You think this is a party? Get outside and touch grass.