I promise this is not a bit, I genuinely want to know if a specific term like this exists. If not, we should come up with one.

Edit: I just realized that the chud answer to this would be “degenerate”, but I’d prefer something that doesn’t make me sound like I spend all my free time on /pol/.

Edit: PISS BABY IT IS. Also, am I reading into it too deep or is it normal to interpret “piss baby” as someone that constantly gets pissed off at dumb media shit like Star Wars and Harry Potter and whines like a baby about it all the fucking time? Either way I think it’s a keeper.

  • RedDiamond [she/her,they/them]@hexbear.net
    4 years ago

    I don’t agree with the implication that there are certain proper stages of development for a human being. I’m an autistic woman and I’ve been bombarded with the idea that I’m a degenerate because I’m disabled, or that I don’t belong in the world because I don’t resemble traditional ideas of what a person should be; that I am a burden on society or a threat to people because of who and what I am. I think we need to look outside the ableist box for terms that apply to people with shitty opinions who treat others like shit.

    My grandpa always called people he didn’t like “shit-birds”. Maybe we can go with that.