This is a term I coined on Discord and on Freak University. It’s a transage identity for when your age is dependant on the stage of puberty you desire to be at. It’s based off of the Tanner Stages of puberty, I being when it starts, and V being when it ends. There are no hardset ages for them, but I is typically around 9 and V is typically around 25.

Tannerian identities can be labelled with Roman numerals, such as Tannerian I or Tannerian V. Optionally (and a bit silly) you can work it into the word. So Tannerian, Tanneriian, Tanneriiian, Tannerivan, and Tannervan.

There’s no official flag yet. I made one and it’s eh. 5 stripes for 5 tanner stages. Vertical stripes to represent passage of time going left and right. And a gradient from green to red representing starting and stopping.

If someone wants to make a better flag with the same symbolism go ahead! You can also make some variants with the Roman numerals in the middle.

I see myself as Tannerivan because I desire to be 16, which I attribute to wanting having just finished normal puberty at Tanner stage IV. (Tanner stage V is for final brain and body development from what I know.)