Curious to hear how the current situation in Australia has impacted your daily habits, if at all.

I’m definitely ordering takeout and dining out less - not because I can’t afford it, but because it just doesn’t feel like good value any more.

    1 year ago
    • eating little to no take out dinners
    • skipping lunch (office job in the city)
    • cut coffee cold turkey
    • fare evade where possible
    • avoid CityLink no matter the traffic
    • no more retail shopping

    I know anecdotally I’m in the majority of my peers doing all or most of the above

    Consumer demand must have absolutely cratered, I feel for all those restraunts and cafes that stuck it out through COVID to get smashed again now.

    Melbourne especially basically runs on coffee as the great equaliser and distributor of money, when people stop buying that you know shits real.