So I’ve been enjoying listening to different radio stations all over the world for the past month and have never felt the need to open Spotify. Might be cancelling my subscription soon. It’s also pretty cool to listen to a radio program that’s been hand picked by a radio host. Of course that doesn’t count if you’re an audiophile that needs the best quality, or really want to pick every single song yourself, but for me it’s more than good enough. has a pretty fun way to discover internet radio stations with an interactive globe you can spin around in your web browser or in app.

    1 year ago

    I recently had something similar happen, but in a different direction. I inherited upwards of a thousand vinyl records ranging from classical through 80’s. I set up a nice sound system in my office and have been popping records all throughput my work day. What’s nice is that flipping the side and putting a new record on is like a mini break between tasks. Vinyl sounds better than digital and it is cheap to grab a bunch of records at yard sales, thrift stores, and online.