
Does anyone know if there is any plans for a mobile app for Kbin?

It is really the only thing left for me to move to Kbin totally.


  • Pamasich@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    There are such plans, but the website itself works perfectly for me on my phone too.

    Until apps release, if you don’t want to have to open the website every time you want to access kbin, you can install it as a PWA (progressive web app) iirc. Not sure how that is done though, just relaying what I’ve seen mentioned by others.

    • NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I also use Kbin a lot on my phone during the day. I don’t really get to comment though because once you comment you can’t load the previous page on iOS. If you try it will open the comment editor, realize it shouldn’t have done this and reload the same page. So you have to click back into all threads again once you’ve made a comment. That is literally the only bug I’ve run across. It otherwise runs flawlessly.