The original post: /r/tor by /u/NeckKnown8318 on 2024-09-19 02:37:41.

I’ll make it quick. I used tor for streaming pirated movies and clicked a porn link once or twice. Working for a tech company, logged on the company wifi, personal computer, no credentials needed to access wifi, just the password which is posted in the break room. Inside the building there are other companies as well, it’s like a shared building. About 18 of us inside the building, only me and 3 other people work for the same company inside the building. But the wifi is shared between the other companies as well.

They can’t tell it was me right? Certainly there’s no way? The other two companies in the building all have different managers and higher ups they work with. Yet we all share the same wifi, how could they sniff me out. They can also only look at packet information cus it’s illegal to fully look into it right? In California so different internet rules.