The original post: /r/gaming by /u/Any-Arm-7017 on 2024-09-18 15:24:12.

I work from home at a call center and as the week goes on, i get more and more time in between calls. I am looking for a game that I can easily pause for when I do get a call, and easy enough that i can play while I am on the phone as well. Basically games that don’t take much focus and I can pause easily. Some games that fit the bill are listed below as well as some that I am considering buying:

Games I like playing now during work:

  • Stardew Valley
  • Hearthstone
  • Minecraft
  • Terraria

Games I think might be good?

-slay the spire

-baldur’s gate 3 (my friend said you can pause it but idk if the story would be too hard to focus on)

Any other suggestions?

EDIT TO ADD: Thanks for all your replies! I am purchasing Slay The Spire right now since this one seems like the best, also wanted to mention I love Pokémon and have a 3ds with a ton of Pokémon games, so that is a great suggestion.