My already soul-sucking job that has me carving out 9 hours a day just announced that going forward we’re supposed to be dedicating an extra half hour and that this will be rigorously enforced with a clock-in/clock-out system (we didn’t have one before), and I’m livid. Naturally, there’s no mention of a pay increase or any such because apparently “this is what we should’ve been doing all along”, even though we’re paid peanuts and there’s next to nothing by way of incentives or anything of the sort.

I worked my way up here precisely so I wouldn’t have to be subject to this sort of Big Brother scrutiny and this is just beyond annoying.

/end rant

    1 year ago

    I’m finally at a job where I do zero time sheeting and I think at this point if anyone asked me to I’d probably tell them to shove it in a professional manner. The best advice I can give is find a company culture that considers your work and your contribution as performance rather than the number of hours you put in. It may take some time to find as the plague of middle management has seemingly taken over every single industry, but once you’re there it’s incredibly liberating.

      1 year ago

      zero time sheeting and I think at this point if anyone asked me to I’d probably tell them to shove it

      Rule1: always, always, charge 'em until ya like 'em.

      If they mandate timesheets, the likability goes down and they’ll need to offset that. … by a lot.