The original post: /r/datahoarder by /u/funkynessrules on 2024-09-18 06:37:06.

Hi all,

I am what you would call a frequent doctor visitor, due to the fact that I have a number of medical conditions that require very frequent checking of all sorts, especially blood work and even MRI or other ridiculously storage-taxing exam results.

What I have quickly found is that storing the lab results on paper becomes a nightmare because they quickly become a pile of indistinguishable folders stacked on top of each other, no matter how many times I’ve tried organizing them. In an attempt to digitize every lab work I’ve got, I have also quickly found that online drives are very limited storage-wise (especially since I need to store the scans in high-quality), to the point that I have to create a ton of different accounts or buy multiple storage expansions from the same service.

I have been questioning whether or not I should set up my own NAS or use any other storing method that would be easily accessible to my doctors, so I would like some beginners advice. Which storing method would be best in my scenario?

Thank y’all for any help!