The original post: /r/space by /u/Starshine143 on 2024-09-17 01:32:43.

Hi! I’m a long-time lurker and tried to post something similar in the Cosmology group and was rightfully told it was not in the right place.

I’m curious to hear of anyone really into space/astronomy/cosmology who also doesn’t rule out quantum immortality and/or reincarnation. Does this type of human exist?

Please understand that I know I sound ridiculous and that I’m asking about an abstract concept in a strongly mathematical field, but that’s precisely why I’m curious.

I’m fascinated by the vastness of the universe. I’m also particularly interested in near-death experiences that leave room for quantum immortality, like the one I’m linking below (it’s not mine, and it’s from 7 years ago).

I’m not religious, but I consider myself spiritual. I guess I’m trying to reconcile the discrepancy between what is measurable versus NDEs that have overlaps of descriptions of alternate realities. Do any of you have similar thoughts?