I have seen so many times that systemd is insecure, bloated, etc. So i wonder ¿does it worth to switch to another init system?

  • t0m5k1@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Here’s a handy chart for you


    As you can see many have the ability to start services in parallel. Some script magic with graphviz will also do similar to analyse blame.

    What’s wrong? Too many tools, way too fragmented and poorly integrated. It is very, very easy to get into trouble if you simply setup a dual stack system with IPv6-PD with those tools. With systemd it all works of the box with simples configuration files and its way more intuitive. For eg. cron is a mess, systemd timers share the unit config format which is way better and more scalable.

    Do you honestly beloved thie mental gymnastics your getting into just to prove your point, go back to windows. Lol

    Well done on using systemd how you wish, now move on and let others use it how they wish or remove it.

    • TCB13@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      It’s not gymnastics, it’s years and years of init bullshit and fragmentation / lack of integration related issues that were solved by systemd.