Watched this movie for the first time today, I felt that a Wes Anderson film would be good for a Sunday afternoon. This was a great movie with a very unique setting and fast. William Dafoe is scary, the tone and pacing are great. There are a lot of mustaches:

“Wes Anderson had all of his male cast members grow their head/face hair in the months leading up to production, and then they were each stylized once they arrived on set. “I think we certainly have the maximum supply of mustaches in this film,” says Anderson.”

    1 year ago

    Grand Budapest is my favourite of Wes Anderson’s films, with Darjeeling Limited being a close second.

    If you haven’t watched the two live action Paddington films, I would highly recommend them. To me, they embody a lot of the same magic that Wes Anderson seems to so easily bottle, but with slightly more mainstream cinametography.

    I’d call them must-watch if you enjoy Wes Anderson.