I saw this post today on Reddit and was curious to see if views are similar here as they are there.

  1. What are the best benefits of self-hosting?
  2. What do you wish you would have known as a beginner starting out?
  3. What resources do you know of to help a non-computer-scientist/engineer get started in self-hosting?
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    2 months ago

    Regarding your third point, you might find it helpful to search for beginners’ guides whenever starting a new project. One thing that people don’t seem to tell new users about is the struggles they faced when getting started themselves. Countless thousands of hours could be spent on this before someone decides to get started, while others pick it up in a much shorter timeframe. It just depends on you and what you are looking to get out of it.

    It’s much more difficult than many people realize. If you need a space to test things out, I’d recommend installing VirtualBox with a couple of VMs to host whatever services you decide on. You can take a snapshot of the VM at any point in time, so when things go bad, you can simply restore whichever snapshot you like.