The latest from /r/ModCoord.

    1 year ago

    Moving a community is hard, so at least some of those mods are likely thinking that moving would destroy the community they worked so hard to manage. Its not like Reddit is going to respect a request to close, so they would end up competing with themselves when Reddit replaces them with compliant mods.

    I’m not saying they shouldn’t move (they should) but it’s definitely a hard road to re-establish elsewhere. Some communities will thrive, but others, well, its possible that their users will just stay put.

    What can we do to help them transition?

      1 year ago

      I agree: migrating a community is really challenging. I’m a subreddit moderator myself, and when we were initially discussing this stuff, there was a lot of doubt because of how daunting the task is. Mods from other subs see the challenges as reason to not even try. However, I think it’s important that people at least make the attempt given the current state of Reddit.

      Something that I think people should keep in mind is that this stuff is gradual and doesn’t have to happen all at once, especially since the alternatives aren’t fully polished yet. Even just establishing a small, active community outside of Reddit (like people have been doing with all these fediverse communities) is a big win.

      Some of the best things we can do right now are

      • providing feedback and suggestions for alternatives
      • making sure alternatives are approachable (/m/quickstart is great)
      • simply being active and providing stuff to do here
      1 year ago

      some of those mods are likely thinking that moving would destroy the community they worked so hard to manage

      they aren’t wrong. It will massively deflate their community. That’s an ineivtability of how lurkers on the internet work. They aren’t there for community, they are there for easy passive browsing.

      What can we do to help them transition?

      “we” as in the common person? It won’t be a fast track. There will need to be a steady supply of content for a certain topic, and a stream of discussion. Unfortunately the best way to help as a single person is to basically become that sweaty forever online person. The first step to the Network Effect is to generate enough content to engage with.

      If “we” have developers or artists that can be one bigger step to help out. contribute to making apps and extensions to either bridge the gap or overcome current shortcomings of these federated instances. Even amongst techy communities there is a lot of confusion to how instances work. So some app to make it dead simple to browse and comment (while later allowing options for power users) is key. Sync committing to working with Lemmy/KBin is definietly a bit help.

      Most of the rest is up to the instance admins. SEO, improving features, getting good moderatiors, etc. None of that is in out control, we can only give feedback