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The original was posted on /r/linux_gaming by /u/aert4w5g243t3g243 on 2024-06-28 00:22:51+00:00.

Just wondering what everyone here thinks is the go to, almost can’t mess up Linux gaming setup.

If someone asked me id probably say something like: (assuming 1080p mainstream gaming)

  • modern CPU (intel or amd doesnt matter, but I have had some weird issues with old CPUs - maybe it had to do with an aging chipset or features that aren’t supported). So anything 3-5 years old is fine. Maybe bleeding edge might be a bad idea, so 1+ year old is preferred
  • AMD GPU (duh). Rx 480/580 and up is fine, 5700 up is preferred.
  • SSD for OS (weird problems is OS is I’m spinning disk)
  • Xbox controller over Bluetooth (others sometimes require fiddling) (maybe dongle would be better???) obv Wired is easiest, but i hate clutter.
  • Bazzite is pretty fool proof and even prompts you to install anything that’s needed for gaming
  • bazzite kind of does all the settings, dependencies, etc so you don’t have to mess with that either

What would you say? I dont think the hardware is really debatable (just depends how new and how much you can spend), but is something like mint or nobara better?

What do you all think.