If this post isn’t allowed please delete just looking for help. This isn’t about Sarah but her minion Alicia. I commented on a story she posted and she has since posted it to her stories. I’ve had many people trying to add me. What can I do? If anyone can please report the post. I don’t need to be harassed by her people.

  • MoonChild@lemmy.ca
    7 days ago

    I’m really sorry this is happening to you and completely understand why you made the comment . We all have our breaking point. She keeps showing people the type of person she is and, eventually, her platform is going to go belly up! She’s another one of these ‘influencers (Smuggies) who thinks they’re above reproach and can’t accept (or even read) any criticism. They cry bullying at any critical comment and never see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. She has a group of die-hard minions who boost her fragile ego and jump to her defence but that’s all she’s got. That army isn’t going to grow in numbers. She has the maturity of a middle-schooler and she’s at VidCon where she’s going to feel out of place without her posse.