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The original was posted on /r/linux_gaming by /u/Mikodzi on 2024-06-25 11:36:03+00:00.


Seen a lot of similar posts here and firstly thought that they don’t make a lot of sense on Linux Gaming subreddit as we all play on linux already. But then it hit me that there are a lot of people still on Windows lurking here and thinking about the move, but not yet convinced. So this is a short port to help these people in similar situation to decide.

I was thinking to make that move for at least a couple of years. All my attempts ended pretty quickly when I have encountered some first issues that I wasn’t ready or willing to solve. But recently I have installed Bazzite distro and basically everything worked out of the box! Well almost, tobii eye tracker 5 is going to be sold and replaced by Delan Clip soon.

All joysticks, throttle, rudder pedals work great! Headphones and mic - no issues.

Star Citizen, Falcon4, MSFS, DCS (some tinkering here thought) - works perfectly.

I also play normal games as well, now mostly Elden Ring new DLC - no issues what so ever.

I have AMD GPU - so I heard it makes my life easier on linux though.

Now I plan to extend my rig with racing wheels, pedals and shifter - and some quick google shows that it should work seamlessly with the major brands.

The major pain was actually linux youtubers who were completely confusing me on what distro to choose - pure Debian - S Tier; next one - Debian garbage tier, use Arch; another Arch is a dumpster fire, use Fedore etc. I’ve landed on Bazzite (based on fedora kinoite) - seems very stable and has everything I need out of the box.

So yeah, if you are like me - have no fear, linux is a very good place to be for simmers! :)

My rig just in case :)