• Instigate@aussie.zone
    5 days ago

    The logic is that road deaths go up during holiday periods (which is sadly a statistical fact here) so they ramp up enforcement and double the penalties for those periods to try to correct for it. I’m not a huge fan of the idea, but from a purely statistical and scientific standpoint it does at least make some amount of sense. My individual circumstance is a bit of a curveball because my punishment was way outstripping my crime, but I do have some understanding for the idea of double demerits. I think my issue was that what should have been a one-point offence (doubled to two points) became an eight-point offence just because I was on a provisional licence. That part I’m still very salty about.

    • el_abuelo@lemmy.ml
      5 days ago

      As a total stranger who who doesn’t know you a dot, I can totally unemotional and impartially say that you received justice.

      Speed kills, literally. And as an inexperienced driver, you shouldn’t be speeding a dot. Let alone anyone else.

      If a kid had run out from behind a parked car, tree or whatever then you have a much better chance of not killing them if you’re going the speed limit.

      The fact that you were even caught, while armed with all the knowledge you have about increased deaths and thus increased demerits, tells me you should have made better choices.

      I have been caught speeding 3 times in my 20 years of driving and I deserved every single one of them, and more.

      That you were able to further reduce your punishment is further evidence of the system working.

      Frankly I think your posts reveal an attitude of a victim rather than a perpetrator, which is a shame because you should probably have taken away something about the need to not speed in order to not kill people.

      Everyone thinks they’re a great driver, and no one thinks it’s going to be them who has the accident that kills someone. But that’s the thing about accidents, they’re unpredictable and undesired.

      All that said and done- if you were speeding by less than 10% I think it’s harsh and I’m glad you got to reduce the punishment! Over here we have 20mph zones to protect kids and 7kmh over is inexcusable in my book.