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The original was posted on /r/nixos by /u/darkarts__ on 2024-06-17 21:17:03+00:00.

I was reading team reports and NixOS being a very old project, I saw many problems like triage issue, a lack of framework for prioritising tasks, lack of sponserships and maintainers.

I am a one month old NixOS user… I downloaded it after seeing a video of No Boilerplate and daily driving it since then… I daily dedicate an hour or two just learning and exploring the OS, language and configs.

I’m wondering, what is the future of NixOS, if any… what are some of the major plans/ changes that the team is bringing up or goals that the team is working towards??

What is ecosystem lacking? What has been the history since I guess the project has been around since 2000? what’s the current state and where it’s headed?