• jimbolauski@lemm.ee
    22 days ago

    Your reading comprehension is terrible, I’m guessing 5th or 6th grade level. I never made the claim the emails on Hunter’s laptop proved Joe was party to the corrupt deals. Litterly the 1st sentence of my original post acknowledges so.

    Yes the laptop does not contain communication between Hunter and Joe discussing corrupt deals.

    • BobaFuttbucker
      22 days ago

      Maybe you and your reading comprehension. That comment was a response to your last comment, which contained an article link which did make that argument.

      Next time you try to provide a source make sure you understand what it says, and call out the relevant parts lol.

      • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
        22 days ago

        Expecting you to understand that big long article was my fault I’ll move a little slower so you don’t get confused.

        What exactly in my original statement are you disputing? When you provide this I will copy the text that supports my statement for you so you don’t have to read that big scary article.

        • BobaFuttbucker
          22 days ago

          Oh I’ve provided that already. Your original comment doesn’t work until you can provide proof that “evidence” came off of Hunter’s laptop.

          Even if it has, I don’t really care because Hunter isn’t running for election, his father is.

          If you’re trying to implicate Joe you need to provide evidence of that, which you’ve failed to do.

          • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
            22 days ago

            Your original comment doesn’t work until you can provide proof that “evidence” came off of Hunter’s laptop.

            Is Hunter Biden authenticating the email evidence enough? Here’s a part of the transcript of his testimony.

            Exhibit 16 is a subject,8 Expectations. It’s from James Gilliar to Tony Bobulinski. Rob Walker and yourself.9 Have you seen this email before?10 A I have. I’ve seen it, I think, as we all have, 8,642,300 times.11 Q Okay. And you’d expected we’d ask you about it here today, correct?12 A Of course, I did, yeah.13 Q Okay.14 A Yeah.15 Q At the bottom, so I’ll skip reading the whole email if I may. And at the16 bottom, it says, "At the moment, there’s provisional agreement that the equity will be17 distributed as follows.18 A Uh-huh.19 Q “20 to H,” which presumably is yourself. Is that correct?20 A Yes.21 Q “20, RW,” that’s Rob Walker, correct?22 A Yes.23 Q “20, James Gilliar.” Is that correct?24 A Yes.

            If you’re trying to implicate Joe you need to provide evidence of that, which you’ve failed to do.

            Your 5th grade reading comprehension strikes again at no point have I claimed the emails on Hunters laptop implicate Joe.

            • BobaFuttbucker
              22 days ago

              Speaking of reading comprehension, there’s no mention of Joe in that transcript, so why should I care?

              For someone who likes to put other’s down for their ability to comprehend information you’ve yet to make this connection definitively.

              I don’t care what Joe’s kids do any more than I care what Trump’s kids do. As long as they’re not involved in whatever it is, why should anyone give a shit? You still haven’t answered this part.

              • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
                22 days ago

                Once again your 5th grade reading skills let you down. In my original reply, I disputing that Hunters laptop only contained dick & drug picks.

                My initial reply

                It’s not just dick and drug pics on the laptop.

                I don’t care what Joe’s kids do any more than I care what Trump’s kids do. As long as they’re not involved in whatever it is, why should anyone give a shit? You still haven’t answered this part.

                You clearly do care just based on your replies.

                • BobaFuttbucker
                  22 days ago

                  Petty insults don’t make arguments for you. You still haven’t elaborated on what ties any of this to Joe or why anyone should care.

                  What are you trying to do here apart from rage on Hunter? Why are you even caring enough to comment here at all?

                  You seem to have BDS (Biden Derangement Syndrome). Might want to get that looked at.

                  • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
                    21 days ago

                    Petty insults don’t make arguments for you. You still haven’t elaborated on what ties any of this to Joe or why anyone should care.

                    I explicitly said none of the emails implicated Joe. The logical explanation for your lack of understanding is you’re slow and can’t comprehend simple sentences.

                    What are you trying to do here apart from rage on Hunter? Why are you even caring enough to comment here at all?

                    If you could read and understand my original comment you would know I was disputing the claim that his emails were just drug and dick picks.