Microsoft says Sony paid third parties to keep games off Xbox

      1 year ago

      I don’t think you want that. The availability of consoles at different price points (all lower than a typical PC setup) lowers the barrier to entry for games and makes it viable for new games to be developed. Eliminating consoles would have severe implications to the industry.

        1 year ago

        Im not getting a console instead of a PC. I have a PC, that I use for many things other than games. If I had no PC, I’d still have my dirt cheap pre-paid phone, that’s still plenty capable of playing surprisingly demanding games. And I need this phone at a bare minimum, for work and emergencies, this is the lowest barrier to entry I can go for games. Every generation of every console is an unecessary, additional barrier to entry for whatever corner of gaming they’re gating off. PC isnt trying to gate off anything, PC price is purely selling the capability to play more demanding games, run more demanding software, and I can pay for whatever level of gaming thats right for me. And there is no “typical” PC setup, you’re thinking of the most up to date and modern PC’s that are overkill for anything. Graphics card from 7 years ago and you can play Elden Ring. I dont need or want an iPhone 14, and I dont need or want a 3080. Imagine every single game out or announced so far was available for PC, any game I would want to play, my PC could handle.

          1 year ago

          We’re not talking about you (1 consumer). You’re reading too much into this and you’re missing (or purposely ignoring) the general economics of purchasing a console versus a computer.