• TrickDacy@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It was always about silencing support for Palestinians

    This makes you look so uninformed it is literally causing me to cringe. The ban was proposed several years ago, by republicans originally.

    What the absolute fuck. When you say something so uninformed, it makes me think you actually are just mad about your funny videos and will look for anything else that sounds less pathetic to whine about

      • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Motherfucker, Democrats got on board YEARS AGO because giving an authoritarian government full access to surveil your citizens is a fucking no brainer thing to want to prevent.

        All you’re doing here is revealing that you’ve no idea what’s been happening in the world. Probably due to endlessly scrolling through 15 second clips.

        Ps I will never click a TikTok link, even if it wasn’t clearly irrelevant

              • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Not as good as ignoring the history that happened in favor of simping for Chinese authoritarianism tho amirite

                • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  I’ll bite stranger what history am I ignoring?

                  Do you mean to say by not taking the US government at their word for the reasons they gave for banning TikTok are true? I think it’s pretty dangerous to say that someone is denying history if they just think political actors are being less than honest.

                  If you mean something else, I’m all ears 👂

                  • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                    2 months ago

                    I told you that the TikTok ban has been in the works for years with bipartisan support.

                    Which by the way glancing at headlines once a month would’ve made you aware of.

                    But no, you don’t care, you’re clinging to this braindead idea that the government thinks they’re going to silence support for Palestine by banning a single app. That it has nothing to do with very obvious and explainable security concerns that were brought to light long ago.

                    None of the facts matter, just some hair brained, half baked conspiracy theory that you can only believe if you remain ignorant to basic facts about the world.

                    Even if you were right, which you abso-fucking-lutely aren’t, it would be a bat shit stupid plan because a) you could make another social media account and support Palestine somewhere else, in minutes if that’s what the actual concern was and b) if the slacktavism can’t be bothered to switch to another platform it wasn’t worth a fuck to begin with and therefore the government probably wouldn’t have been worried about to begin with