Reporter Ken Klippenstein weighs in on his resignation from The Intercept.


  1. The Intercept’s abandonment of fearless journalism and prioritization of funders over journalistic integrity led to Ken Klippenstein’s resignation.
  2. The General Counsel at The Intercept stopped Klippenstein’s story on Jeff Bezos and his $100 million charity grant, reflecting a conflict of interest with the outlet’s billionaire donor.
  3. The Intercept’s corporate influence and lack of resources have hindered the ability to pursue impactful journalism, leading to discontent among staff members.
  4. Klippenstein launched his own substack to avoid compromising his journalistic principles and to cater to an audience seeking news that differs from mainstream media.
  5. Despite some pushback from Intercept staff defending the General Counsel, Klippenstein’s resignation post provides specific evidence and highlights the need for journalistic transparency at the outlet.