Finally got around to watching it with my partner last night. The premise is what if you accidentally found a time rift and your dumb friends found out and you get to watch all the different personalities learn how it works in real time. It’s a very fun movie with some genuinely impressively planned scifi elements, they squeeze an impressive amount of juice out of the premise.

It’s done as if it was one continuous single take, but to work that on such a small budget they hired a theatre troupe for the actors. It was a great choice because the timing of everything is so intricate that hitting all the specific cues must have been critical. All the supporting cast are very funny and bring this excited frenetic energy as they’re all juggling learning from the future with repeating their future acts in real time for their past selves, all on perfect 2-minute intervals. It all plays out like a wild magic trick.

Only 70m long too. Recommend this for a movie night with your friends and you will be cool.