Hi yall after being on disability income for years and job searching for months I finally got to step two of the job search process: a job interview.

I am wondering if anyone had any tips for the job interview process? I am very nervous.

  • bluGill@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I interview a lot of people with behavior based questions. Please spend some time before thinking of stories before. Try to have 8 ready, plan on using 5, and remembering 5 more in the interview. Do no reuse stories between interviewers even though the questions will be very similar between interviewers. If you come off bad, using a different story with the other interviewer can bring you up, but if you repeat the same story that hurts you.

    Make sure this is about what you did. If you didn’t do something then it doesn’t count.

    If you don’t know how to answer a question (don’t understand), feel free to ask me for a different question. I won’t count it against you, and I have 3 to choose from. (not everyone will not count it against you, but I won’t)

    Don’t ask me about compensation. I am not the person hiring you and so I only have a small clue, better to ask when an offer is made (though most likely you cannot get more yearly dollars, but you can get vacation time and/or a hiring bonus). All I can tell you is we give good bonuses every year (where I work is unusual, most places a bonus never happened, or it did but it wasn’t enough to do anything with)