• BobaFuttbucker
    6 months ago

    Sure can!

    “I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

    He’s admitting to being able to, because of his status, grab women by the pussy without waiting because “they let you do it”. This means he’s not checking for consent, which matches up with a court finding last year that he IS liable for sexual assault.

    He’s literally bragging about it and being found liable, and you’re still here trying to defend him by focusing on semantics, because it’s easier that way to turn a blind eye to actual events. Textbook delusion (ignoring some information to focus on another piece of information so as to construct a false reality).

    • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
      6 months ago

      Moving the goal posts again. He said they let him do it because he is a star not because he was powerful. On top of that you didn’t even include his whole quote.

      Contrary to what you’ve been told implied consent is a sufficient defense for sexual assult. Letting someone do something is implied consent.

      The reason that these semantics are important is if he was in a position of power, implied consent may not be sufficient.

      • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
        6 months ago

        It is important to liberals to think Trump admitted he sexually assaulted people. I don’t know why but to them it’s important.

        I met Trump at a party and I thought he was a sleezebag. He was a Democrat back then which just confirmed what I thought of him.

        Just like the liberals want to squeal about how bad things were under Trump. Things were pretty damn good under Trump. I had no major issues. I got called back to active duty to help with COVID and I gladly did it.

        A trans friend of mine kept talking about the genocide of trans people under Trump. I told her she must be late to the party since she is still alive and Trump said she could whatever bathroom she wanted.

        I think people forget the power dynamics of wealthy people. Many women would gladly let Trump fondle them in public because he is wealthy and they want that life. It doesn’t turn into sexual assault because liberals want it to be.

        Also the Carroll story I think is complete horseshit. She has zero real evidence. It is he said, she said and in a sane world that lawsuit would have been kicked out for waiting so long and no proof.

        So while I am no fan of Trump, I think he is a Democrat in Republican clothing, I will vote for him in the next election over Biden.

        • BobaFuttbucker
          6 months ago

          He DID though, it just depends on which definition you choose to look at. But ignoring the validity entirely is the argumentative equivalent of sticking your head in the sand, which conservatives seem to be REALLY good at doing.


          Obstruct <- You are Here


          • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
            6 months ago

            He did not as another person explained to you as well. Either way, so did Biden and Clinton. Clinton even lost his law license over it.

            Either way, don’t care. I am still voting for him.

            • BobaFuttbucker
              6 months ago

              Vote for anyone you want, it’s probably a wasted vote if you’re actually in Oregon anyway 😂

              • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
                6 months ago

                A vote is never wasted. I have also seen more people regretting Biden and considering Trump. SO we will see how it plays out. I am not fan of Trump but he will most likely be the Republican pick.

                • BobaFuttbucker
                  6 months ago

                  Republican pick? Absolutely. Everyone instantly fell in line and it’s never been a secret that they would stand in front of their god-emperor, although I appreciate Haley trying.

                  That doesn’t mean jack shit though in the general election.

                  Oregon has consistently trended down from ~40% to ~30% conservative in General Elections over the past 2 decades, and hasn’t given electorate votes to a Republican Candidate since 1984.

                  I guess what I’m saying is, good luck. You’re gonna need it. 🤣

      • BobaFuttbucker
        6 months ago

        Consent cannot be given when under duress, such as when you are pressured to give consent because the person who wants it is rich, powerful, intimidating or a prominent public figure. If there are consequences (real or perceived) to not giving consent, you cannot claim implied consent as genuine in court.

        Which doesn’t matter anyway, because Trump was already found liable of doing exactly that.

        Silly Billy, sexual assault defenses are for sexual assaulters. Trump doesn’t need you defending him so poorly, that’s what he has lawyers for.

        • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          Being put under duress is not letting someone do something.

          A woman is not letting a man grope her when he follows her into a changing room uninvited.

          I haven’t defended Trump other than to say the statement they let me is not bragging about sexual assult.

          • BobaFuttbucker
            6 months ago

            Being put under duress is not letting someone do something.

            You grossly misinterpreted the situation so as to even have an argument hahahaha. Them “letting” him do it is done under duress because of his status, which is not admissible in court as consent, which was your previous argument.

            A woman is not letting a man grope her when he follows her into a changing room uninvited.


            I haven’t defended Trump other than to say the statement they let me is not bragging about sexual assult.

            It is. You just can’t agree to it because then you would be wrong and trump would not be perfect.

            • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
              6 months ago

              Them “letting” him do it is done under duress because of his status, which is not admissible in court as consent, which was your previous argument.

              You are making an assumption there and being misogynistic. You are assuming a woman doesn’t have the right to seek affection from a man like Trump.

              As I said before, he didn’t get his wives due to his personality.

              I assume you are young or just sheltered, you don’t seem to grasp many women seek power, rich men to afford the lifestyle they want.

              • BobaFuttbucker
                6 months ago

                You are making an assumption there and being misogynistic

                Lolwut. What’s misogynistic about having a problem with situations where women don’t feel comfortable making their own choice?? Women should absolutely feel comfortable saying “no” to anyone. Why would any decent person disagree with that?

                I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

                You are assuming a woman doesn’t have the right to seek affection from a man like Trump.

                On the contrary. Women have the right to say no to anyone, even Donald Trump and should feel comfortable saying no. The problem is, when you’re a man with power and status and you want something, your very presence is intimidating and makes others feel like they can’t say no to you for fear of retribution.

                Once again, just because someone lets someone do something doesn’t automatically mean they actually gave consent. It can also mean they didn’t want to suffer the consequences of not letting them do something.

                For someone so quick to call others misogynistic you seem to lack understanding or sensitivity of how male figures of status can be perceived and the privilege they carry with them.

                I assume you are young or just sheltered, you don’t seem to grasp many women seek power, rich men to afford the lifestyle they want.

                Hahahaha did Andrew Tate teach you that?

                • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
                  6 months ago

                  What’s misogynistic about having a problem with situations where women don’t feel comfortable making their own choice??

                  Because you are assuming they don’t feel comfortable. I get you want to white knight women but they are free to make their own choices. Even if you disagree with them.

                  Women have the right to say no to anyone, even Donald Trump and should feel comfortable saying no.

                  Once again women have a choice. I get you hate women, but they have the right to say yes as well as no.

                  • BobaFuttbucker
                    6 months ago

                    Because you are assuming they don’t feel comfortable. I get you want to white knight women but they are free to make their own choices. Even if you disagree with them.

                    You’re right, women should be free to make their own choices. But if the world worked like you are arguing it does, then there would be no crime, no sexual assaults, no murders because the victim could just say “no” and that request would be honored 100% of the time, but that’s not how it works.

                    Men with status intimidate those around them. That’s just how it is. So when those men brag about the things they’re able to do because of their status you have to, not assume but understand the implication that people are letting them do those things because of that power, which is not truly consent.

                    I’m sure someone out of 8 Billion people legitimately wants Trump to grab their pussy. If that’s their choice then fine, I guess. But you’re mistaking an acknowledgement of male privilege for white-knighting, which is really just a projection of your own inability to understand the real issue and continue defending the only President in US History who has been found guilty of battery, defamation and sexual abuse when he says he gets to do that stuff because of his position of power over them.

                    If you don’t see how these things fit together than I seriously doubt your ability to operate a motor vehicle or make an informed voting decision.