• BobaFuttbucker
    4 months ago

    It’s also NOT border SECURITY to demand a Border Security bill, be directly involved in crafting it, then vote AGAINST it.

    But unfortunately, that’s what congressional Republicans did.

    • Mickey7@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      LOL. We had border security BEFORE the biden regime came into power. But WAIT now we need a new law to stop it. How did that happen? Gee I don’t know. But the media told me so. Better believe it. I’m too busy getting fucked with inflation to think for myself. Though way way back in my brain I have this thought of what ignorant tools the media must think of those that believe their lies.

      • Dkarma@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        No we didn’t…wow drinking the trump propaganda firehouse aren’t you …lol

        So you’re saying we had border security during Obama too or are you trying to pretend we had border security for only the trump years?

        • Mickey7@lemmy.worldOP
          4 months ago

          Yes Obama was certainly not a dumb guy and DID NOT allow millions to cross the border illegally just as biden has been doing

      • BobaFuttbucker
        4 months ago

        What border security? The wall was never finished and the last guy had 4 years to do it

        • Mickey7@lemmy.worldOP
          4 months ago

          are you serious? please check out the amount of illegal aliens entering the country during Trump vs the biden regime. Please don’t continue to let them lie to you.

          • BobaFuttbucker
            4 months ago

            In order to get the stats you desire, how are you quantifying undocumented people?

            Is it by apprehensions and expulsions? Because you could argue there that border security is better/ more effective if that number was higher. It doesn’t necessarily indicate if there are more or less immigrants, just how many were captured and returned.

            So please help me help you make your argument. What stats exactly am I looking for?

              • BobaFuttbucker
                4 months ago

                This statistic lumps all apprehensions and expulsions as “encounters”, and like my previous response this isn’t quite because of “opening the borders”. Actually here’s a good explanation of why these numbers are so high:


                The Border Patrol recorded nearly 1.7 million encounters in the fiscal year that ended in September. That is the most ever recorded in a fiscal year. But keep in mind that more than 1 million of those migrants were quickly expelled under a controversial public health order known as Title 42 that began in 2020 under former President Trump and continues under President Biden. So many of these migrants were actually counted more than once in the total figures.

                Also a good bit about what kind of power Presidents actually have at migrants showing up:

                To me, the factors that drive migration are not entirely under the control of Washington. I mean, the Trump administration tried deterrents. It tried family separation and Remain in Mexico, but migrants kept coming - you know, nearly a million in fiscal year 2019. The Biden administration has focused instead on trying to tackle the root causes of migration. But these are not problems with quick fixes. I mean, migrants are facing poverty and food insecurity and lack of basic safety in their home countries. And meanwhile, like Carrie said, the U.S. has jobs. So, you know, the fundamental push and pull factors don’t really change no matter who is in the White House.

                • Mickey7@lemmy.worldOP
                  4 months ago

                  No problem. If you cannot accept the simple fact that Illegal aliens increased dramatically once the biden regime took over then there are no set of facts that will convince you. But please don’t complain when your taxes, especially property taxes, go up because the schools are fucked with all the illegals now in the school system. And…if you don’t own a house but rent… remember the owner where you rent will have an increase in their property taxes and they will be passing it all along to you in a rent increase

                  • BobaFuttbucker
                    4 months ago

                    Yeah, I’m not going to blindly accept some rando’s fearmongering that I could hear by turning on literally any conservative media outlet and be suddenly convinced, you’re just stating a hypothetical scenario from sources who no doubt tell you what you want to hear. I provided a source above to information that clashes with the narrative you are describing. It is your choice on how you follow up with it. Clearly you went a less constructive route.

                    Everything noted in your response is conjecture:

                    • property taxes are already high af so that’s not the bogeyman you think it is
                    • how are schools fucked with undocumented immigrant’s children in the school system? Can you explain the mechanism behind that?
                    • rental increases are currently driven mostly by greed. I’m in a mostly white area where a majority of the population was born and raised here and my rent has 2x in the last 4 years. That’s not because of undocumented immigrants in another state. That’s because limited inventory on the market + COVID-era supply shortages + inflation caused in large part by greed and Trump-era money printing led property owners to inflate rental costs as demand for housing rose and their value increased.

                    I would love to see some kind of data that backs up your arguments. You sent me some, and I sent you a deeper dive into that data to refute the conclusion you arrived at with it along with a counterpoint about the limitations that affect any President with this particular problem.

                    You have a strange definition of the term “facts”. Like, if I said “it’s a fact that my shit is literally gold at a molecular level” does that make it so? No! You would expect something from me to back up my claims. And I expect you to be able to back up yours if you’re actually trying to convince anyone of anything.

        • Neuromancer@lemm.eeM
          4 months ago

          You think it takes 4 years to build a well across the whole border? Is that meant as a joke?

        • Mickey7@lemmy.worldOP
          4 months ago

          The White House doesn’t write checks. Congress issues money. For the first 2 years Republicans controlled Congress and did nothing to get the wall built. When Democrats then took over Congress of course they did the same. Check out some books on how the US government works regarding the various branches and what they can and cannot do.

      • Neuromancer@lemm.eeM
        4 months ago

        The problem is neither side has taken the border seriously. Both sides want to ignore it.

        If you want to end the border problem, go after the companies that hire illegal aliens. With no jobs, they won’t come.

        Personally I would like to see immigration reform but neither party wants to do that either.

        If we need millions of uneducated people who don’t share our culture to work jobs, fine. Just do it illegally instead of the wink wink nudge nudge method we are doing now.

        • BobaFuttbucker
          4 months ago

          The problem is neither side has taken the border seriously. Both sides want to ignore it.

          Almost like it’s a manufactured issue intended to keep us infighting and distracted on other issues…

          If you want to end the border problem, go after the companies that hire illegal aliens. With no jobs, they won’t come.

          There’s one problem with that.

          Mexico (I assume you don’t mean undocumented Canadian immigrants) isn’t even the primary source of undocumented immigrants, so how would that stop “the border problem”? Source

        • BobaFuttbucker
          4 months ago

          What sort of reform would you be interested in?

          Rather than just be content with a workforce that’s “illegal” maybe we should just make it easier for those interested in work to cross legally with a work visa so they’re tax paying and authorized?

          Like, instead of gating them out, if the issue is they’re undocumented then why not make the documentation process easier? Why not put more resources into tackling the backlog of court cases from immigrants, or improving their path to US citizenship?

          The answer to why we’re not already doing these things is because it’s largely a manufactured issue to keep one side enraged with the other. If you don’t believe me ask the republican led house why they demanded a border security bill, helped create it and then voted against it.

          • Neuromancer@lemm.eeM
            4 months ago

            What sort of reform would you be interested in?

            Eliminate h1b. Create a visa for anyone who wants to work a job with a 5 year renewal. Stronger enforcement iof immigration violations. Quicker process for processing visas.

            • BobaFuttbucker
              4 months ago

              Good news! The Biden Administration is improving h1b to include what you listed here!

                • BobaFuttbucker
                  4 months ago

                  Why? Anything can be improved, and it’s a solid foundation.

                  Based on this and your previous comments over the last few days I’m having a hard time believing you’re arguing in good faith here.

                  • Neuromancer@lemm.eeM
                    4 months ago

                    There is no way to improve a bad program.

                    I am in good faith. Your bias isn’t my problem.

                    You’ve never seen me be against immigration. It’s the shitty system I’m against

        • Mickey7@lemmy.worldOP
          4 months ago

          There have been times when Republicans controlled both the presidency and the congress and THEY never addressed this. So I totally agree with you. It’s an easy fix. All claims for entering the country are considered before you enter. End the joke of Asylum. If things are bad in your country too bad. Stay there and make it better. Have a real ID system in this country. You have to have a real ID proving that you are a citizen to get hired (and to vote). This would also apply to real green cards. If you hire an illegal alien there is a minimum jail term of one year for the person that hired them along with everyone listed as the owners of the company. Also a large fine, not sure what the amount should be for the company that hired the illegal alien. The problem would end instantly if this was the law and the fucking justice system actually fucking enforced it.

          • Neuromancer@lemm.eeM
            4 months ago

            I hate the asylum claims. Many are bogus. The left claims we are a racist hateful country. As such we shouldn’t be letting people come In