• Spuddaccino
    8 months ago

    Yeah, but only around the time of sports matches. That makes it predictable, and the anti-hooligan magic can be more effeciently focused. It’s actually a little-known fact that Quidditch matches are timed with the solstice so that the anti-hooligan wards are at their strongest.

    The Irish are much more unpredictable with their drunken hooliganism, so in the early days they used to break through the wards by accident and go on drunken rampages across Wales before eventually being segregated to their own, smaller island.

      • Spuddaccino
        8 months ago

        Hey, how about that? Turns out that obviously made up stuff about the Irish, on account of it referencing Quidditch and magic and stuff, isn’t true!

        You know what is true, though? J. K. Rowling has a lot of bigoted stereotypes in her books. Hell, the Irish kid, Seamus Finnigan, is particularly good at blowing shit up.

        So, yeah, my comment contained stereotypical nonsense in it, on account of it being framed as being part of a fictional world out of the mind of an actual bigot.