• AndyLikesCandy
    11 months ago

    Not every day I don’t. My kids also don’t need me to have life insurance, and I don’t need a homeowners policy with protection against fires because my house is built to code.

    Being armed is an insurance policy against things you maybe have read about but cannot imagine. 30 days of no electricity and no running water after a solar event for example would break any social contacts all your assumptions about society are founded on. And in case of political extremism making it to public policy, No you will not survive a battle against a standing army, but when they’re stacking up to drag you out to execute you for being an intellectual or the dozens of things governments executed people en masse for just in the last few generations, nobody wants to be the first one shot for a thing they don’t really truly believe in, and getting enough people to commit genocide is essentially impossible until you’ve disarmed everyone who is not part of the government.

    Now convince me these things did not all happen in the last 100 years and would never happen here.