• jimbolauski@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      I am repeating myself because you won’t provide a reason why. If you did we could move forward.

      • BobaFuttbucker
        2 months ago

        Nah, you’re just incapable of moving past the point that if not all white supremacists are racists then surely you must know of one you could use as an example, but you can’t, so your argument is unsubstantiated.

        Instead, you just want to focus on prevalence of white supremacy violence, which is such a strawman of the original point made but I’ve got you running in circles here because you can’t just admit it was a poorly thought out comparison to make.

        Still waiting for a single white supremacist you can use as an example of your argument. Otherwise you’re just asking me to take you at your word, or accept the strawman. I refuse to do either because that’s dumb.

        • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          That’s sort of an explanation but it requires you to misinterpret my original reply. White supremacists can be catorgized similarly to radical Islam, both are very rare, have no place in society, pose little to no threat to society as it is so rare, and are used as the bogeyman.

          • BobaFuttbucker
            2 months ago

            Gonna give you these:

            • have no place in society
            • used as the bogeyman

            White supremacy + Islam are NOT “very rare”. About 2B people are Muslim, it is the second largest religion and the fastest growing. Racism has been around for about as long as we’ve been recording events, white supremacy is but one flavor.

            If you mean radical Islam, what are you basing the word “radical” on, just so we can be clear about who it is we’re talking about?

            I wouldn’t call white supremacy little to no threat to society either:


            Violent attacks that can be directly contributed to white supremacy aside, the culture around white supremacy (at least in the US) is responsible for most of the racial discrimination and divide throughout the entire history of the country. So one could argue it’s been a massive detriment to society for generations.

            • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              I’m referring to radical islam, that’s why I used the term radical Islam. Normal muslims don’t attack people for not being muslim, only radicals.

              80 murders over 3 years is close to what lightning killed over the same period. It’s not a huge threat and the effort to fix the problem to stop white supremacy could be used in other areas to much higher effect.

              • BobaFuttbucker
                2 months ago

                I know you referred to radical Islam. That’s why I asked what your definition of “radical” was so we could come to a consensus.

                lol I knew you’d stick on that number. Just because we don’t have a record of white supremacists killing more people than “radical” Muslims in recent history doesn’t mean white supremacy (and racism in general) hasn’t caused the death, torture suffering or exploitation of countless others over our species’ history and shaped the path of entire nations and groups of people, mostly for the worse.

                If you’re just focusing on recent deaths, you’re missing the bigger picture. One is a toxic sect of a religion, the other is a product of the way our entire society is run, irrespective of religion.

                So yes, white supremacy or any kind of racist thoughts actions and behaviors I would argue are WAYYYYYY more detrimental.

                • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
                  2 months ago

                  If you’re just focusing on recent deaths, you’re missing the bigger picture.

                  The bigger picture would be the trend, historically deaths by white supremacists are significantly higher. They’ve now moved into the very rare category, there is 0.125% chance that if you’re murdered it’s by a white supremacists.

                  So yes, white supremacy or any kind of racist thoughts actions and behaviors I would argue are WAYYYYYY more detrimental.

                  The statistics support white supremacy being being more of a threat than radical Islam in the last 10 years. Doubling, tripling, or quadrupling a really small number is still a really small number.

                  • BobaFuttbucker
                    2 months ago

                    Nahh dawg you’re just moving the goalposts to minimize the issue. Racism is a much bigger problem in the world and in our global history than a single sect of a single religion that’s only ~1,400 years old, regardless of what our particular country’s violence stats are in this moment.

                    We’ve lost entire populations and cultures due to racism. Our society as it is today has developed into an unfriendly one for those who have been most affected.