Obligatory Creamsicle pic. He was mad because I woke him up from his whale nap but almost immediately he forgot and was like “Yay!”

It’s a myth that certain hard drugs destroy your teeth. It’s not the drugs—it’s constantly losing or misplacing your toothpaste, your toothbrush, or both, because you’re either gacked out on drugs, or because you’re withdrawing. (Also the fact that when you’re a homeless drug addict, somehow your diet becomes 90% candy, ice cream, and chocolate milk.)

This week it’s the toothpaste I can’t find. I haven’t brushed my teeth in like a week.

Also currently I’m staying in a tent—I want to get out of this fetid shit hole but first I need to do laundry, wash my sleeping bag ‘n’ shitz. Finally have clean underwear for once.

And the special project is a long shot but I need like, roughly $240?

And yes I mean no it’s not what you’re thinking.

It would be lovely if I could eat something other than peanut butter and honey sandwiches today, as well.

Venmo/CashApp: allthetimesivedied

PayPal: lizo9