• BobaFuttbucker
    1 month ago

    If a business that pays their executives 2000x more than their average employee can’t pay their workers a living wage it’s either too mismanaged or greedy to continue. Their thin margin is their own doing.

    That sucks for the workers for sure, but fast food is not a crucial business and as long as there is demand, another business will fill the void, bringing more jobs.

    • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
      1 month ago

      lol. None of these are doing that. You think a franchise owner is making 2000x times their employees ? A McDonald’s profits about 100k. That means the demise owner has to put down 1 million to get a 10% return. That means they are making 5x an employee but carry all the risk.

      You keep ranting about a living wage which by itself doesn’t mean anything. They were living in their wages before which means it was a living wage. Now they have no wages. So now they have an unlivable wage.

      • BobaFuttbucker
        1 month ago

        lol you confused executives with franchise owners, that makes your argument irrelevant.

        If the franchise owners are having difficulty paying their workers either they’re not running their business effectively, or the requirements from corporate are hampering their ability to pay, or the business model is unsustainable.

        Your practice of blaming the government for forcing owners of these places to pay a living wage is ridiculously out of touch. If they were already making a living wage then the law wouldn’t be required.

        But I don’t expect anything different from someone in the top 5%. There’s no way you can understand that struggle.

        • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
          1 month ago

          lol you confused executives with franchise owners, that makes your argument irrelevant.

          The article is talking about franchise owners. So why are you going on about some mythical executive is beyond me.

          Stop saying living wage since you don’t understand the word. It doesn’t mean what you think.

          I wasn’t always well to do. So I do understand the struggle. Why id rather have a job at 16 an hour rather then zero.

          • BobaFuttbucker
            1 month ago

            The article is talking about franchise owners.

            ……how do you think corporate makes its money if not for the franchises? You yourself even mentioned the investment required by the corporation to open a franchise. That goes to the expenses of the physical stores and training staff but ALSO goes to the corporation for licensing fees. They also set requirements that franchise owners have to pay to meet.

            So why are you going on about some mythical executive is beyond me.

            They run the company, it’s important to scrutinize their actions.

            You’re bad at this.

            A living wage = wage high enough to maintain a normal standard of living.

            If you can’t even pay rent on a minimum wage job (let alone food or other expenses) then you’re not making a living wage.

            What do YOU think it means Mr. 5%?

            • Bongo_Stryker@lemmy.ca
              1 month ago

              I love this narritave that people working in fast food for low wages are joyfully living their best life making big macs and singing gospel songs in 4 part harmony and on their day off they swing by the community food bank and everything is great - untill the evil Liberal McSocialist takes their job away with an evil laugh Mwahahaha! and the poor franchise owner loses everything he has to wear a barrel instead of clothes and smoke Honduran cigars instead of Dominican Oh such folly! Such Tribulation! Alas Babylon!

              • BobaFuttbucker
                1 month ago

                This entire thread is just that guy demonstrating over and over how much he doesn’t understand the suffering of those below him on the economic scale and it’s SO OBVIOUS

              • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
                1 month ago

                Helps if you had read the articles where the woman says she was happy with her job and pay. She’s not upset because she doesn’t have a job or pay. She won’t be able to pay her bills. I get you feel self important to tell the plebes they don’t need jobs since but I can empathize with their plight.

                • Bongo_Stryker@lemmy.ca
                  1 month ago

                  I missed that one. Did you post a link to it? I don’t see any other links in this thread. I admire your concern for the people who lost their jobs and I share that concern. You should never doubt that the plight of the proletariat is a fundamental concern at the heart of the revolutionary’s critique of capitalist exploitation.

            • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
              1 month ago

              owners. ……how do you think corporate makes its money if not for the franchises

              How to say you don’t understand a franchise without actually saying it. Corporate has zero to do with this.

              A living wage = wage high enough to maintain a normal standard of living.

              They had that. So now you can stop babbling about a living wage.

              f you can’t even pay rent on a minimum wage job (let alone food or other expenses) then you’re not making a living wage

              They were paying all their expenses. Can you cite where a laid off employee says otherwise? Only a liberal would think 0 is better than making a livable wage which they were doing

              • BobaFuttbucker
                1 month ago

                You’re seriously going to die on the “corporate has nothing to do with the costs they impose on the franchisee” hill?

                Under $20/hour, ESPECIALLY in a state with as high of a COL as California is NOT a living wage. Try it for a month. You wouldn’t even be able to cover the average rent. You’re just proving even harder how out of touch you are as a 5%-er.