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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • Why does every idiot who is not a Star Wars fan think that repeating the normie stereotype about it is very smart? Which is this pic BTW.

    Star Wars since the OT and till around 2006 had very clear borders between, 1, that which doesn’t get mentioned, but follows from what’s shown, 2, that which doesn’t get explained, 3, that which is explained by magic, 4, that which has decent, but very roughly cut sci-fi descriptions and, finally, 5, that which is taken seriously.

    Disney doesn’t understand how to use any of these categories, especially that core plot points can only belong to #5, that #1 is not just fan imagination, but part of the paradigm, that #2 is not a box for everything lazy, that #3 cannot be center of the plot, and that #4 is still necessary.

  • It’s a society (or the whole humanity) becoming big enough to survive even when ignorant murderers are the elite and the majority of it, and civilized people - a smaller part and almost a property, similar to animals in a zoo.

    When such a point is reached, the former will make the transition, and the latter will diminish over time. Then it just has no future.

    A bit like with Ottoman empire and Qajar Iran, only on the scale of the whole humanity there won’t be someone else to buy weapons and technologies from to keep going. Then some of the previously passable filters will kick in. Like hunger or resource scarcity.

  • Well, there is a joke about Chernobyl station fulfilling the 5-year plan for energy output in 5 seconds.

    I meant that to protect that free market from various people trying to make it less free in their favor you’d need that energy. Which is why it’ll never reach that state.

    And removing those very important limitations I named is very hard, even unrealistic maybe, but that doesn’t mean that it’s adequate to pretend that a market including them is free. They change everything.

  • or they assume and project the idea all they did was have power and that’s all that needs to be done to maintain it.

    Yes. And those people who for some reason are near power are very arrogant and think that abusing it is how you achieve things.

    There’s been a time in my childhood where I thought that the humanity will become better and kinder, if we make everyone play non-rigged multiplayer games again and again, so that everyone sees how these things really work.

    My childhood with Travian and MMOs and WarCraft III and browser RPGs has definitely taught me some things in that area.

    Not sure if today’s multiplayer games generally lacking this effect (except for Eve, maybe, but it’s unplayable with ADHD, thus for me) is a result of some targeted policy (as in conspiracy) or just evolution.

  • There really was a motive, if you wish, to use the land freed by expelled (or dead) tenants for something else.

    I just don’t like blaming things on markets and profit motives and capitalism in general, because “tit for tat” in human interactions is not something you can just replace ideologically. It’s in our nature. The sane approach is to make it work in less catastrophic ways, like with sports and video games and martial arts and adult entertainment.

  • There’s no free market. Free market would mean no copyright, no patents, no brand protection. With real free market (provided you have endless energy from Satan knows where to support that state of things) we’d have noname small to medium businesses coming and going, bigger corporations existing for very complex supply chains and\or some advantageous trade secrets.

    That would potentially cause stagnation in some long perspective, but fix the current situation.