Have strong opinions, but I welcome any civil fact-based discussion.

Alt account: /u/BrikoX@lemmy.sdf.org

  • 7.13K Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • It was an interesting read. Thanks.

    And while there are many points I agree with, the core principle that China wants to use trade to export autocracy just doesn’t mesh. Trade is the best way to prevent military conflicts since trade creates dependencies which would be cut off during any military action. I would say the opposite is happening now with the current wave of protectionism in both the US and China.

    China will take opportunities to insert themselves in other countries when it suits them, but it’s no different from what democratic countries do. Just look at Africa and how to this day France refuses to abandon its economic influence they hold via CFA franc currency. Or US trying to insert democratic rule in countries that have strategic value to them by any means necessary (the publication mentions US abandoned strategy), but we know it’s not true. There are public details about US coup attempts in Venezuela just recently.

  • Having an opinion someone doesn’t agree with doesn’t make it invalid. I’m not an instance admin, so I have no say in who gets defederated, but in this community I welcome all opinions, no matter how popular or unpopular they might be.

    People from democratic countries might call anything that doesn’t agree with their world view a propaganda, yet on the flip side, countries from non-democratic countries might call anything that doesn’t agree with their world view a propaganda. If we can’t discuss our differences, then we are living in a bubble. If someone is never challenged, how can they refine their own position?

    Rhetorical question to think about. Americans are likely to elect self-proclaimed authoritarian in the next election, should everyone defederate from instances that allow their opinions too?

    In any case, this is not a place for this discussion. I would suggest making a post in !home@lemmy.zip.

  • Still waiting for that video to be independently verified. So far, no major corporate news network ran that video since they are unable to verify it.

    and btw, the UN minisrty of health is getting their numbers from Hamas, so I guess if you trust Hamas, it is what it is

    I do trust Hamas for the number of dead. They literally have a proven track record of keeping an accurate count that was independently verified after past Israeli crimes. After the Hamas attack, Israel let people in to independently verify the number of killed, yet they prevent the same for when they kill. Why?

    And it’s ironic that a random video gets more coverage than children getting murdered on mass. All the Israel supporters are clinging to this video like it’s some vindication and justification for the genocide being committed. It’s not. If you care more about being right than children being brutally murdered, you are the problem in this world.