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The original was posted on /r/linux_gaming by /u/bargu on 2024-06-25 12:34:51+00:00.

I was doing some tests with Mesa 24.2 and decided to do a quick comparison between Windows and Linux performance on raster, raytracing and pathtracing.

PC specs:


XFX 6900xt

32GB DDR4 Kingston Fury 3600 CL16

ASUS ROG Strix B550-F

On Linux:


Kernel 6.10.0-RC4

Mesa 24.2.0_devel.191095.a7ad53d550b.d41d8cd-1

On Windows:

Windows 10 latest version as of 24/06/2024

GPU driver 24.5.1


Setting Linux - Avg Win - Avg Linux - Min Win - Min Linux - Max Win - Max
Raster 131.90 FPS 128.83 FPS 110.96 FPS 110.20 FPS 158.04 FPS 150.80 FPS
Raytracing 23.77 FPS 29.19 FPS 19.33 FPS 24.54 FPS 32.12 FPS 38.53 FPS
Pathtracing 11.89 FPS 11.60 FPS 10.02 FPS 10.00 FPS 15.15 FPS 14.49 FPS

Those are results from a single run each, I wasn’t planing on posting this so it’s not super cientific, but I’ve run the benchmark multiple times and the results are consistent, with almost no variations between runs.

Raytracing performance is still lagging behind significantly on Linux with about 23% faster raytracing performance on Windows, pathtracing really surprised me because last time I did this test I got about the same difference in performance compared to windows and this time was basically the same with a slight advantage to Linux.

Game settings were configured the exactly the same between Linux and Windows with the exception been the AMD SMT setting, on windows it gives slight better performance when it’s on, but on Linux i get better performance with it off.
