• ristoril_zip@lemmy.zip
    10 months ago

    I’m sorry, you’re saying we’ve never heard of appeasement? I mean, I’m pretty sure my education about the slow advancement of appeasement through Europe didn’t name any of these pacts specifically, including the last one, but we were absolutely educated to the reality that Europe was trying everything it could to just buy Germany off so there wouldn’t be another World War, since they weren’t even 20 years out from the last one.

    There’s so much good info out there about the West capitulating to Germany, about Nazi rallies in the US, and more. Why bother with these specious, misleading claims? The true horrible things America and other countries did are bad enough without having to lie.

    • Water Bowl Slime@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      I was taught about appeasement but it was framed drastically differently than the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, which was also the only pact that I was taught by name. The narrative went something like: western countries did everything they could to placate the Nazis and keep Europe peaceful, but then the Soviets ruined it by colluding with them.

      There is no discussion at all about how western capitalists supported the Nazis before, during, and after the war nor how the red army did most of the fighting and dying. There’s no discussion about class either which is why so many people continue to have a skewed understanding of fascism.

      Also what about the post is untrue?