Leftist news commentary & interviews. Fighting for political and social change. Sabby Sabs podcast is a part of Revolutionary Blackout Network.

Short Summary

  1. Investigative journalist Max Blumenthal discusses protests in DC and tensions between Israel and Iran, highlighting activists protesting outside Tony Blinken’s house facing intimidation from pro-Israel groups.
  2. The conversation shifts to Israel’s response to Iran’s attack, with Netanyahu issuing statements for domestic and international audiences, suggesting Israel is unlikely to engage in direct conventional warfare with Iran due to economic and social challenges.
  3. Blumenthal highlights the influence of settler fanatics in Netanyahu’s coalition and the upcoming spring season in Israel as crucial for observing public sentiment and potential actions.
  4. The discussion covers events and dynamics in Israel and the surrounding region, including Memorial Day, Independence Day, Nakba Day, and political tensions, as well as the involvement of countries like Jordan and Egypt and the impact of historical agreements like the Camp David Accords.
  5. The situation in Northern Gaza is discussed, where refugees are returning and resisting Israeli attempts to depopulate the area, challenging the Israeli plan to create a buffer zone and push the population south.
  6. The speaker emphasizes the importance of standing up against Israeli actions and the role of alliances like Hezbollah and Iran in the region’s geopolitics, mentioning the historical context of Israel’s expansionist aspirations dating back to pre-1948.
  7. The Israeli flag’s symbolic significance is mentioned, representing holy colors and suggesting a larger territory for the Jewish state through its design, including the Star of David symbolizing the Jewish people.
  8. Criticism is directed towards fanatic settler forces in Israel, particularly referencing a drone strike on aid workers in Gaza authorized by a settler leader who publicly called for genocide.
  9. The feasibility of a two-state solution is questioned, highlighting contradictions between the Biden administration’s public support and actions behind the scenes, and criticizing the US’s historical opposition to Palestinian statehood at the UN.
  10. The speaker discusses the influence of AIPAC and the ADL in US politics, suggesting significant control over Congress members through financial contributions, and criticizes politicians for prioritizing support for Israel over American interests.