Leftist news commentary & interviews. Fighting for political and social change. Sabby Sabs podcast is a part of Revolutionary Blackout Network.

Short Summary

  1. Discussion between Glenn Greenwald and Megyn Kelly about US financial support to Israel, including $4 billion annually for arms purchases.
  2. Questioning the prioritization of supporting Israel’s wars over addressing domestic issues like poverty, healthcare, and education.
  3. Criticism of the influence of the Israeli Lobby in US politics and the lack of public outrage compared to similar situations involving other countries.
  4. Emphasis on the unique and controversial nature of the US-Israel relationship, highlighting potential risks and consequences.
  5. Examination of the alignment between the US and Israel, pointing out issues such as lack of separation of church and state in Israel and the influence of the Israeli Lobby on US politicians.
  6. Concerns that the US-Israel relationship may harm American interests and lead to potential conflicts in the Middle East.
  7. Reasons for animosity towards the US from countries like Iran, citing historical events such as the CIA-led overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected government in 1954.
  8. Critique of Megyn Kelly for not showing the same level of outrage towards human rights abuses in other countries like Iran as she does towards Israel.
  9. Discussion on the lack of attention towards the brutality of American allies like Saudi Arabia and Egypt despite their repressive dictatorships.
  10. Emphasis on the need for empathy and critical examination of US foreign policy actions to better understand the perspectives of those affected by such actions.