Leftist news commentary & interviews. Fighting for political and social change. Sabby Sabs podcast is a part of Revolutionary Blackout Network.

Short Summary

  1. Recent tensions between Iran and Israel, including Iran launching a retaliatory attack after Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus.
  2. Journalist Chris Hedges emphasizes the need for restraint and discusses the potential for escalation into a regional conflict.
  3. Discussion on Joe Biden’s prediction that Trump’s actions could lead to war with Iran, highlighting the complex dynamics involving the US, Israel, and Iran.
  4. Criticism of Israel’s aggressive actions and the influence of the Zionist Lobby on US politics, expressing concerns about potential military escalation.
  5. Concerns about conflict between Israel and Iran, noting Iran’s military power and the possibility of the US being drawn into any conflict.
  6. Mention of past pressure on Israel not to respond to attacks and uncertainty about Israel’s potential reactions.
  7. Shift to how other Arab nations view Iran, with varying relationships depending on the country.
  8. Discussion on potential military actions against Iran, including challenges posed by Iran’s air defense systems and involvement of proxies like Hezbollah.
  9. Speculation on the role of countries like Jordan in any escalation, considering their historical stance against Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.
  10. The need to move away from the Zionist movement and support Palestinian self-determination, expressing concerns about genocide and government support for it.